Respiratory conditions such as Asthma and COPD pose a substantial financial burden on the NHS, costing an estimated £11 billion annually. Moreover, respiratory diseases stand as the third leading cause of death in England, impacting one in five individuals (refer to NHS Stats). The strain on primary care and hospitals escalates during the winter months due to respiratory infections. While NHS England endeavours to enhance respiratory disease outcomes, Asthma and Lung UK highlight a lack of GP support for accurate diagnosis and a reactive approach to asthma management due to under-funding (see report).
Addressing this crucial gap, the EK Health Kiosk presents an invaluable tool for proactively improving respiratory patient outcomes, particularly during the annual Asthma Review - a pivotal check-up with a GP or asthma nurse. Recognising the challenges faced by primary care, Practice Business reported in October 2023 that the percentage of patients undergoing an annual review is at an all-time low. The EK Self-Health Kiosk steps in to bridge this gap by collecting essential data, serving as an early indicator of poor asthma control.
The Asthma Review pathway questionnaire embedded in the kiosk gathers comprehensive data on the patient's asthma management. This includes the scored Asthma Control Test (ACT), contributing to Quality and Outcomes Framework (QOF) metrics. The ACT offers a snapshot of the patient's asthma management over the preceding 4 weeks, yielding an overall score categorising asthma as Under Control, Reasonably Well Controlled, or Not Controlled. In the event of suboptimal control, the kiosk triggers an alert to the practice, accompanied by a customisable advisory message.
Here's how the EK Health Kiosk integrates seamlessly into the Asthma Review process:
The patient receives a text message invitation to complete an Asthma review on the kiosk.
The patient visits the surgery at their convenience.
The patient completes the Asthma question set, including ACT scored questions.
The data entered is SNOMED coded directly into the patient's record (EMIS and SystmOne)
If the patient's asthma control is flagged as inadequate, an onscreen advisory message (customisable) is displayed, and an alert is generated for the Respiratory Team.
The Respiratory Team reviews results and invites high-risk patients for face-to-face or telephone appointments as needed.
Beyond streamlining the Asthma Review process, the EK Health Kiosk offers additional advantages:
Reduction in Did Not Attend (DNA) rates as patients can complete questions at their convenience.
Measurement of vital signs such as Blood Pressure and Blood Oxygen levels during the same session.
Elimination of manual data input
Liberation of face-to-face appointment times
Real-time alerts for irregular readings
Contribution to increased QOF revenue
Patient ability to complete Asthma reviews independently throughout the year
Customisation of questions and advisory messages to align with practice needs
Included with the EK Health Kiosk
21" Touchscreen Kiosk
Medical Grade In-Arm BP Monitor
Medical Grade Auto Height and Scales
Height-adjustable Chair
Optional: Pulse Oximeter and Thermometer
Training and Support
To explore how the EK Health Kiosk can optimize appointment scheduling in your practice, request a free, no-obligation demo:
Call us at 01223 812737
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